My Dear Diary - Inspirational Themes

Monday, August 03, 2009

Learn to Avoid...

One day at night in a weekend, Bee was preparing to go to bed. That time, she was planning to sleep lately, it was weekend...yessssssssss, she was so happy, no need to wake up earlier tomorrow, she said, cause usually she went to sleep earlier due to work in the morning. On her bed, she was playing with her new mobile which was quite expensive. She played games till she got bored, took some pictures of herself, listened to some music. The time was almost 12 am, passed on her mind to surf from her mobile, she clicked this and that, searched this and that, then jumped into xxx video site.

Gosssh, she was quite felt guilty or uncomfortable to upload the xxx video, then the video was played. First, she saw a young woman went up the stairs... smiled and wore sexy dress...entered a room, and backed to backed...tried to open her sexy dress, while there was a man's foot seen in the video.
The heart of bee run so fast to wait what would happened than in the story of the xxx video, seemed that young woman took her dress off so slowly. Bee could not wait so long, that was why she really looked sharp at her mobile's display. Then suddenly, she cried a loud mentioned the name of Allah and throwed away her mobile...she was so frightened...she tried to look at her monitor once again...still she was so frightened and tried to turned her mobile off.
Ooooh...many time she mentioned "Astagfirullahalazim",... suddenly she went to toilet, washed her face many times while crying cause felt guilty a lot... wash her eyes...washed her hands...then she took wudhu... and prayed 2 (two) rakaat to ask forgiveness to Allah the Al Mighty.
Friend, do you know what exactly she saw at her mobile? what exactly was in her mobile and made her so frightened? just like she saw something creepy?
Friend, actually, Bee saw a face...
a white horrible face with fright scream...
look at her sharply...
Friend, she saw shaitan...
she felt guilty...
she felt she was a shaitan too...
Friend, then... she regreted it even she haven't seen yet the xxx...
she knew Allah SWT has warned her by that creepy face...
not to try to see anything that could harmful her heart...
she knows Allah SWT always love her and protect her all the time...
from bad eyes of others and bad eyes of herself.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The End Story of A Wisdom Tooth

I really do not have serious problems with my teeth, cause they are tidy and have good shine white colour hehehe... since I was little girl, my parents asked and controlled me a lot in taking care of my own teeth. Luckly, I never get toothache seriously, if just pain...yes. As I grew up, my wisdom teeth grew as 2 were up and 2 were down, so now I have 32 teeth. One of these wisdom teeth did not grow perfectly, cause of not enough space I think hihihihi... It annoyed me, in particular when I was eating,... I felt that I chewed my own flesh.

2 weeks ago, while my best friend, a dentist asked me to visit the dental hospital for checking up my teeth for free... yes...yes on reason for healty mouth and beauty, I went there....and enjoyed the new blue dental chair and first check-up treatment.

As the checking up went to the last wisdom tooth at the right side up, my best friend told me that my tooth would bring complication problem in future. After hard discussion between us, I decided to have wisdom teeth extraction. But I need time to prepare my mental and phsycal, cause you know... I never get problem with my teeth before all my life!...

After a week later, again I went to the dental clinic of my best friend happily. Check my blood tension, check this and that etc...etc... time for extraction was begun... I laid down calmly and ready for extraction treatment.

The extraction begun at 9.30 am, my dear dentist gave me local anesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. It would prevent pain. To remove my lovely wisdom tooth, my dentist opened up the gum over the tooth and take out the bone that was covering the tooth. But, it was really hard work to do, even I have got rontgen for my wisdom tooth, it was hold on the bone tighly, many drills had been used, much bleeding, I was very tired and the dentist said cause of my mouth is small, it became hard work to remove the tooth.

My dear dentist decided to cut my gum to remove the 'naughty' tooth from its place. After work hard, finally, After the wisdom tooth had been removed, I needed stitches and no need to removed after a few days. It was success!!!!... the surgery was from 9-30am - 12-15 pm. I was really tired, and the dentist told me that I was a strong girl...hehehe alhamdulillah.

My dentist then gave me painkillers and antibiotic, I am allergic with penicilin, amoxilin, tetratcilin and ponstan. The dentist said... ooooh you are allergic with cheap abtibiotics an anagesics. So I got expensive ones! But it was OK cause healing is important...

For a while, I need take more rest and stop doing high activity, such as performing my hobby to swim. My chubby cheek become more chubby on the left side and some hurt at my mouth. It only takes 1 week to be normal again.

Relax and rest for a while for good health is more important., of course with beauty smile out and inter-mouth. ;)

PS: Don't look at the dental plate-chair... I did not want do that, cause I know many blood spot everywhere and that would make me weaker and weaker if i saw my blood. So... stay calm... relax... trust your dentist... have positive feeling that it will be fine, and do not forget to pray. Thanks so much to Nana.

Have a nice smile!....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Perfect Imperfect Woman - Imperfect Perfect Woman

Since I was a little girl and up to now, there is a public opinion whereas people usually women itself, included my grandmother, my mother, my aunty, my cousin, my teacher and girl friends, and from what I have read in many boooks or magazines, TVs, radios said that when a woman can pregnant and give birth to babies, it means that she is perfect woman. Everybody will be happy, a husband will be happy, a mother-in-law will be happy, ... etc.

But at otherside, people usually women itself give an public opinion that if a woman cannot pregnant and never give bith to babies, it means that she is Imperfect woman. Everybody will be sad, a husband will take other new wife, a mother-in-law will underestimate her... etc... and infertily always blame to woman.
And also since I was a little girl and up to know from what I heard about many scandals, gossips, issues as well as from mouth-to-mouth, electronics news or printed news that there are many pregnant women had aborted their fetus, because of bad attitude in the past. Or you can hear that many pregnant women delivered babies and killed them at the first time they took breath, or leave the babies at orphanage without prior notice or with small note near the babies, the underline here is irresponsible deeds.
From other experiences of some women whom called "Imperfect", even they cannot give birth to any babies, they adopt babies, raise them, care, protect, send them to schools, and love much them very much like their own biological kids, the underline here is responsible deeds.
What I do not understand here is women become their own enemies or the real enemies of women are women itself. So can you women change your mindset to see something like mentioned in this topic?, can you change your point of view to see issue in this topic? can you transform yourself and get enlightment to see other women whom you called "Imperfect" becomes perfect?
Which one is actually perfect and which one is actually Imperfect in your eyes?
Women who gave birth but then their do not care to their biological kids or...women who cannot gave birth but then they adopt, care, protect and raise their not biological kids till their grow up?
Which one of them is perfect?...

I remember last night one of my girlfriend said desperately wants to have a baby, she works and take master study now, but she does not have husband. I smiled...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Poem of Poet

* YOU*

My smile is there for you
My heart is beating for you
My soul within me is for you
My love I have a lot only for you
All I have is for you

Do not lose your love to me
Do not lose your affection to me
Do not lose your passion to me

All you have to do is don't be angry to me
Cause when you are angry,
I am... a loser
Maybe at the first time you read this poem, you will think that this poem is for a lover, but actually what I mean by "You" here is God, my God, Allah the Almighty. I am afraid when Allah angry with me I will be a loser and I do not want to be a loser till I die. I do not care with people say about me, what Allah says to me comes first.
Love to Allah is the most important than love to human being, Allah will never reject your love but human being can reject your love when you cannot fulfil their needs or requirements.
Allah will never leave you when you are in bad mood, but human being can leave you, cause you only annoy him/her.
Allah will not see you from your performance, you heart is the most important, but human being only see what he/she likes to see in vision only.
Allah will not give you bad words when you make him angry, but human being can shut and insult you when he/her angry.
Allah will never deny you when you need to talk anytime, Allah is availabe for you all the time, but human being can deny you cause he/she is very busy with works, family, friends, or still sleeping.
So to whom you will give your 100% love?
and to whom you will give your 25% love?

Monday, February 16, 2009

If I had Baby Girl...

My message for my baby girl, if I had her someday...

My daughter,

Learn from my life ...

This life is hard when you make it hard and the life is easy when you make it easy, but do not make yourself easy to cry for nothing. Yes, God has given you tear and feeling within you, but do not use your tear for showing your weakness or winning somebody's heart.

My girl, I really want you to learn a lot from books, your own or other people's experiences. Emphasize that you will stand up for your life and be independence, and people will respect you as long as you love and respect yourself. Stand up for justice and principles in our religion.

Fight to get what you want and do not just stay where you are. Remember my daughter, a bird must fly away from its nest to find its food, please do your best and let God do the rest.

When you need someone to love you, do not give him all your love, take care of your body, your thought, your heart from sadness. You do not owe him his happiness and he does not owe you your happiness. I really want you to be wise when you are in relationship and do not lose yourself, cause my daughter, you are already completed.

Do not be like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. I do not want you like them who are weak, do nothing and can only wait for princes or knights to get them out of hard life and bring them happiness right away.

My daughter, this life needs someone who is brave, get rid of fear, stand up, believe in your heart, get your life and thanks to God for giving you this beautiful life. You are valuable and unique creature and more valuable than just a body and status in your culture and society, you won your own life since God creates you for the first time where there are more than million of sperm as your competitors. You are a fighter, you are already the winner.
Smile... my girl, you will find true and pure love, a person who like to be with you when you are in good or bad mood... when you sick or fit... when you are look ugly or pretty, without seeing you as just a body or a meat, you will get someone who will love you as the way you are.
Smile... my girl, when he hurts you, do not give your tears but give him sanction. You deserve better, just remember what God said in :
Al Quran Sura Annur:3,

الزَّانِي لَا يَنكِحُ إلَّا زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً وَالزَّانِيَةُ لَا يَنكِحُهَا إِلَّا زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ وَحُرِّمَ ذَلِكَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Laki-laki yang berzina tidak mengawini melainkan perempuan yang berzina, atau perempuan yang musyrik; dan perempuan yang berzina tidak dikawini melainkan oleh laki-laki yang berzina atau laki-laki musyrik, dan yang demikian itu diharamkan atas oran-orang yang mu'min.

Al Quran Sura Annur:26,

الْخَبِيثَاتُ لِلْخَبِيثِينَ وَالْخَبِيثُونَ لِلْخَبِيثَاتِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلطَّيِّبِينَ وَالطَّيِّبُونَ لِلطَّيِّبَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ مُبَرَّؤُونَ مِمَّا يَقُولُونَ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ

Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula). Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezeki yang mulia (surga).

So,... be angel all the time... be angel heart...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Am I Coward?

Am I a brave man?
Am I not afraid?
Who I am?
Can you tell me who I am?

You see...
Yourself as a lion...
You are...
just a cat

Why, baby ?

You feel you are great...
You feel you are superior...
You are afraid to face the life...
You are afraid to be different...
You are afraid to be outsider...
You are afraid to take a decision...
You are afraid to take a risk...
You are afraid of changing...

Baby... and?

The happiness in front of you flies away...
You are...

Saturday, February 07, 2009


The real meaning is abused and manipulated.

So yes, you can say that if someone says it, maybe... it means they are not going to do whatever it is they are promising, and they hide behind this word for not taking responsible at all.

Actually the real meaning is "God willing" or "I will do my best but Allah will is what will decide what will happen" but some people say it and mean "God will not want it to happen".

So in which group are you?

Friday, February 06, 2009

Friend or "Friend"?

الَّذِينَ يَتَّخِذُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاء مِن دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَيَبْتَغُونَ عِندَهُمُ الْعِزَّةَ فَإِنَّ العِزَّةَ لِلّهِ جَمِيعاً

[QS. 4:139] (yaitu) orang-orang yang mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi teman-teman penolong dengan meninggalkan orang-orang mu'min. Apakah mereka mencari kekuatan di sisi orang kafir itu ? Maka sesungguhnya semua kekuatan kepunyaan Allah.


فَتَرَى الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ يُسَارِعُونَ فِيهِمْ يَقُولُونَ نَخْشَى أَن تُصِيبَنَا دَآئِرَةٌ فَعَسَى اللّهُ أَن يَأْتِيَ بِالْفَتْحِ أَوْ أَمْرٍ مِّنْ عِندِهِ فَيُصْبِحُواْ عَلَى مَا أَسَرُّواْ فِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ نَادِمِينَ

[QS.5 :52] Maka kamu akan melihat orang-orang yang ada penyakit dalam hatinya (orang-orang munafik) bersegera mendekati mereka (Yahudi dan Nasrani), seraya berkata: "Kami takut akan mendapat bencana". Mudah-mudahan Allah akan mendatangkan kemenangan (kepada Rasul-Nya), atau sesuatu keputusan dari sisi-Nya. Maka karena itu, mereka menjadi menyesal terhadap apa yang mereka rahasiakan dalam diri mereka.


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُواْ دِينَكُمْ هُزُواً وَلَعِباً مِّنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ الْكِتَابَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ وَالْكُفَّارَ أَوْلِيَاء وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ

[QS.5 :57] Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil jadi pemimpinmu, orang-orang yang membuat agamamu jadi buah ejekan dan permainan, (yaitu) di antara orang-orang yang telah diberi kitab sebelummu, dan orang-orang yang kafir (orang-orang musyrik). Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah jika kamu betul-betul orang-orang yang beriman.


Be careful when you choose with whom you will make a friendship, some of them are decent and genuine people, you can trust them, they will never ever ask back for what they had given to you... yes, they are FRIEND.

But some of them use you for getting their purposes only, after they get their results-they will kick you out... or in front of you they manipulate their behaviours even their smiles, it is really too good to be true...actually they can kill you from behind...yes, they are "FRIEND".

When you are already have some good friends, do not stay away from them after you get new "friends", or you will leave and betray your good friends, only because other "friends" are more able to fulfilled your needs. These kind of new "friends" will be happy to see when you leave your good friends, I am sure... they will laugh at you!!

Stupid traitor friends can betray their friends only because of getting economics massive "funds" and secure "feeling"...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brave Children

Look... straight at his eyes,

I do not find any fears there

Look... from the way he stands,

I do not think he will kneel down

Look... he is alone,

I do not feel he will run away...
from his enemy in front of him


Look... a future fighter,

1 dies, 1000 will grow as defenders

Look... his weapon only stones,

but his brave is more than just a stone

Look... what is happening then...

that is why the enemy targetting children!


God is greater than all

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Is Impossible Possible?

Is impossible nothing?

What will you do if you have a lot of fear to do anything while you do not know if you will be success or fail?
What will you have if you are afraid to have something or someone that might be hurt or harm you?
What will you be if you worry to be an outstanding man/woman and doing something that might be uncommon in your family, in your country, in your culture and custom?

what will you have?
what will you do?
what will happen?

I will have nothing in this life!
My life STOPS!!
impossible is really nothing...

I said I-my, not you...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Arrogant Mirror

I saw myself in the mirror, here is a creature created by the Almighty God. Allah has created me from my race with all the specific characters of body figure belong to my race.
Allah has given me the life that I have through till now and label me with exact age that people count from the first time I took breath in this world.This body cannot work alone. It has a companion inside. That is soul!
I cannot ask Allah to change my body to different one.
I cannot ask Allah to transfer my soul to other body.
I cannot ask Allah to have new body.
I cannot...

This body is only a mask.
This body is a loan from Allah.

I am soul, yes....
I am is what inside of me...

You are is what you are see in the mirror? do you see the reflection there is good looking or not?
when you found that the picture there does not fit to you so whose picture? and when you found that really satisfy you, will you be so proud?

Monday, June 26, 2006

To Be Alive for Life

Life is problem, cause of that do not dream not to meet with a problem. Everyday, we will find personal, family, people, country and religion problems. A problem is an attractive thing to be solved. Why? cause in fact, after a difficult thing, you will find a way out. In other words, if you are afraid to get a problem, you will not find a way out, am I right?

If you are feeling sad, dissapointed, and hopeless about your life and love which has a lot of problems, just give yourself a time to be relax and recognize and feel that you are healty and still alive now. You see, there are some people who was the same age with you or younger than you, but already died and not exist anymore in this beauty world. Or, you can see, some are still alive but sick and gave got some deaseses and might be worst than you are. By having a healty body and mind, you can achieve the goal of your life.
Maybe you are feeling lost and lack of opportunities? just observe arround you. Sometimes an apportunity comes to you as a problem. Being able to solve a problem will make you gain an experience and grow as a tough person. Sometimes a problem comes to other, if you help them, you will get a very valuable experience about life.
Put a problem on the right point, and ask yourself what is the worst problem you might have? than... except and solve it with an open heart and mind. The problem brings an opportunity to you for expressing the best of your ability. Problem solving make you grow as a tough person. Cheers and fight for your life!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Bee My Honey

Eating breads with some honey is my favourite breakfast, applying some honey on my face is my best mask, and have one teaspoon of honey is my best natural medicine everyday.

Bees, those little creatures which have yellow and black colour, smooth fur, a pair of transparent fragile wings, and stings brought me the honey. They collected honey as their food reserves from many kind of flowers about 1-2 km from their nest. Besides honey, bee colony produced royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis, and bee venom and paraffin/wax. Bee venom is used to heal some diseases, paraffin/way is used in cosmetical industry. Propolis is used for pharmacy. Royal jelly and bee pollen which have high protein is used for increasing fertility and antibody.

Bees are busy workers, they will not sting you except you annoy their existancy. If you do that, they will fly after you wherever you run away.
A bee... you eat from good food resources and produces honey--a wonderful good thing for human being. It is a contrary in fact with flies. Flies consume bad and dirty foods, and if they perche on our foods, we will be sick!.
Can we eat from halal and good resources foods and produce good behaviour to animals, plants and other people? If you agree with me...what a beautiful life we have...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

See Sea Fishes

Walked along the beach and felt every step I made on the sands, saw sharply the horizon over there, all the way I saw was blue water with the breezes ran after each others to the beach and touched my wet toes.
This memory looked real in my eyes, used to have a small house which was only 500 m from the beach, and still could smell the aroma of the sea. Played the sea water with my hands and smelt them. An imagination was dancing in my head, went deep inside into the sea and met some fishes, greetings from seaweeds which waved to the right and left, with salty environment surround me... salty surround me...
Sea fishes live in the salty water, but why they are not salty like the enviroment surround them? how's that?... It is because they are alive! and why did I taste that fishes on my plate are salty? how's that?... It is because they die!
Can we try to act like a sea fish? even we live in a bad mental environment with no morals surround us? the answer is yes, anything bad cannot influence our life at all... if our hearts are alive. But if our hearts died,... I am sure that you can continue this sentence.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Drops of Water

Rain water fell down from the sky, and made the dry field wet, gave life to plants, animals and people. Our eyes will see green all the way in forests, in fields and ponds full of water with fishes and ducks. Our minds will fresh, feel calm and happy. Want to practice little? OK...just close your eyes, open wide your arms, take a deep breath and smell the fresh air surround you... repeat again until you feel very fresh.

Everything in our planet need water, perhaps we still can live without our sweethearts, but we cannot imagine a life without water. A drop of water can be very valuable in sahara, in thirsty... even a drop of water can make our lives go on. When raining, see the drops of water touch your body, touch our lands, and touch our plants. Hear the sound of rain, it is really beautiful moment. Maybe you can hear frogs are singing to welcome more than a thousand of water drops on to the earth.

Water will fill an empty or lower space, and will have the same shape with the space where they belong. If it was a bowl, water will have shape like a bowl, if it was a glass, water will have shape like a glass too. How clear and flexible water, isn't it? Can we act like water? having clear and flexible minds to any problems faced? When you see a glass with some of water in it, what will you think? Is it half of empty glass or is it half of full glass?... you can create any situation you like to anything happen in front of you. Positive or negative thinking... optimist or pessimist person you are. You already known the answer...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fly my Butterfly

flies away so high...
when you are beautiful now...
when you are not ugly anymore...

flies away so high...
and leaves me down here...
without let me try to catch you...

flies away so high...
and high so I can't be with you...
cause you flies so high...

flies away so high...
come fast and go fast...
just spend time little...
with me for fun...

flies away so high...
stay here and there...
can't stop at one flower...
can't stay at one flower...

flies away so high...
I let you fly so high...
never ever stay....
fly as long as you want...
till tired...
till die...

Butterfly (OST The Butterfly)
Lirik Lagu Indonesia Andhika Pratama 725 ViewsNovember 26, 2007 at 10:22 am

Ketika waktu mendatangkan cinta
Aku putuskan memilih dirimu
Setitik rasa itu menetes
Dan semakin parah
Bisa ku rasa getar jantungmu
Mencintaiku apa lagi aku
Jadikanlah diriku
Pilihan terakhir hatimu

Butterfly terbanglah tinggi
Setinggi anganku untuk meraihmu
Memeluk batinmu yang sama kacau
Karena merindu

Butterfly fly away so high
As high as hopes I pray
To come and reach for you
Rescuing your soul
The precious messed up thoughts of me and you

Jalan ini jauh
Namun kita tempuh
Bagai bumi ini
Hanya milik berdua
Biar ku berlebihan
Namun ku tunggu